"Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Phil 4:6
Prayer is powerful. God invites us to surrender our cares and, instead of going straight to anxiety, going to THE source of all that we need. Prayer is the main way we are called to fight our enemy, for ourselves and for our friends. Prayer is also how we as God's children seek comfort from our heavenly Father.
If you are passionate about prayer, consider serving with our prayer team. Each week we receive numerous prayer requests from members of our GGC family and from visitors who are asking others to stand with them, fight spiritual battles with them, believe with them, and seek God's comfort, help, and wisdom for them. You can pray any time or place of your choosing. We just ask you to pray. We pray over all prayer requests with confidentiality and care. If you would like to serve in this way, let us know.
"Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Phil 4:6
Prayer is powerful. God invites us to surrender our cares and, instead of going straight to anxiety, going to THE source of all that we need. Prayer is the main way we are called to fight our enemy, for ourselves and for our friends. Prayer is also how we as God's children seek comfort from our heavenly Father.
If you are passionate about prayer, consider serving with our prayer team. Each week we receive numerous prayer requests from members of our GGC family and from visitors who are asking others to stand with them, fight spiritual battles with them, believe with them, and seek God's comfort, help, and wisdom for them. You can pray any time or place of your choosing. We just ask you to pray. We pray over all prayer requests with confidentiality and care. If you would like to serve in this way, let us know.