Kingdom Builders Campaign-Building Fund

We believe God wants us to build a new facility to help us realize a greater Kingdom impact in our community. God has entrusted to us 10 beautiful acres of debt-free land! We envision the land and facilities being used to make our community a little more like heaven on earth.

Our future dream is to have a facility that is used seven days a week for ministries such as a Christian pre-school, outreach programs for children and youth, Celebrate Recovery, job training, English as second language classes and much more!

Our goal is to build a new 7700 sq. ft. worship center that seats close to 400 people. The new building will include offices, gathering space and a coffee bar! We will also upgrade our existing building to increase ministry capacity.

As we have prayed for guidance, God has already provided in significant ways! We currently have $1.5 million of the anticipated $2.8 million needed to complete the project.

Thank you in advance for partnering with us.

Please note that with each online gift via a credit/debit card we are charged a fee of 2.9% + 30 cents per gift.
This contribution is designated for our Kingdom Builders Fund


We believe God wants us to build a new facility to help us realize a greater Kingdom impact in our community. God has entrusted to us 10 beautiful acres of debt-free land! We envision the land and facilities being used to make our community a little more like heaven on earth.

Our future dream is to have a facility that is used seven days a week for ministries such as a Christian pre-school, outreach programs for children and youth, Celebrate Recovery, job training, English as second language classes and much more!

Our goal is to build a new 7700 sq. ft. worship center that seats close to 400 people. The new building will include offices, gathering space and a coffee bar! We will also upgrade our existing building to increase ministry capacity.

As we have prayed for guidance, God has already provided in significant ways! We currently have $1.5 million of the anticipated $2.8 million needed to complete the project.

Thank you in advance for partnering with us.

Please note that with each online gift via a credit/debit card we are charged a fee of 2.9% + 30 cents per gift.