Kingdom Builders Faith Pledge Form


We believe God wants us to build a new facility to help us realize a greater Kingdom impact in our community. God has entrusted to us 10 beautiful acres of debt-free land! We envision the land and facilities being used to make our community a little more like heaven on earth.

Our future dream is to have a facility that is used seven days a week for ministries such as a Christian pre-school, outreach programs for children and youth, Celebrate Recovery, job training, English as second language classes and much more!

Our goal is to build a new 7700 sq. ft. worship center that seats close to 400 people. The new building will include offices, gathering space and a coffee bar! We will also upgrade our existing building to increase ministry capacity.

As we have prayed for guidance, God has already provided in significant ways! We currently have $1.5 million of the anticipated $2.8 million needed to complete the project.

A faith pledge is a promise you make to give a certain amount of money over a certain period of time towards a specific ministry project above your normal giving to the church.  Here is how it works: 

• Ask God how much He would have you to pledge for our New Worship Center over a three-year period.

• Fill out this online form or a pledge card and return it to us for our records

• Depend on God to provide what He has led you to give  
My Faith Pledge
Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.



We believe God wants us to build a new facility to help us realize a greater Kingdom impact in our community. God has entrusted to us 10 beautiful acres of debt-free land! We envision the land and facilities being used to make our community a little more like heaven on earth.

Our future dream is to have a facility that is used seven days a week for ministries such as a Christian pre-school, outreach programs for children and youth, Celebrate Recovery, job training, English as second language classes and much more!

Our goal is to build a new 7700 sq. ft. worship center that seats close to 400 people. The new building will include offices, gathering space and a coffee bar! We will also upgrade our existing building to increase ministry capacity.

As we have prayed for guidance, God has already provided in significant ways! We currently have $1.5 million of the anticipated $2.8 million needed to complete the project.